Compiler CH3 Scanning

Compiler CH3 Scanning

scanner(lexical analyzer)

  • the interface between source & compiler
  • routine called by passer


  • Although the task of the scanner is to convert the entire source program into a sequence of tokens, the scanner will rarely do this all at once.
  • Instead, the scanner will operate under the control of the parser, returning the single next token from the input on demand via a function that will have a declaration similar to the C declaration
    • TokenType getToken(void);

Input Buffering


  • 兩個pointer
    • 一個用於紀錄開始
    • 一個用於lookahead

Regular Expression

Regular expr. vs. finite Automata

Regular Expression: A notation suitable for describing tokens

Regular Expr. can be converted into finite automata

Finite Automata: Formal specifications of transition diagrams

Operations of string(I)


  • e.g., |0| = 1, |x| = the total number of symbols in string x, empty string denoted 𝜀, |𝜀|=0 (note: {𝜀}≠∅)


  • e.g., 𝑥.𝑦=𝑥𝑦, 𝜀𝑥=𝑥, 𝑥𝜀=𝑥, , ,

Prefix - any # of leading symbols at the string

proper prefix (shown below)

Operations of string(II)

Suffix - any # of trailing symbols at the string

proper suffix (explained below)

Substring - any string obtained by deleting a prefix and a suffix.

proper substring (explained below)

Rules for constructing regular expressions

  1. ∅ is a regular expression denoting { }. i.e., 𝐿(∅)={ }

  2. 𝜺 is a regular expression denoting {𝜀}, the language containing only empty string 𝜀. 𝐿(𝜺)={𝜀}

  3. For each 𝑎 in Σ, 𝒂 is a regular expression denoting {𝑎}, a single string a. i.e., 𝐿(𝒂)={𝑎} 

  4. If 𝑅 and 𝑆 are regular expressions then are regular expressions denoting union, concatenation, cleen closure of 𝑅 and 𝑆.


  • 𝑅|𝑆=𝑆|𝑅
  • 𝑅|(𝑆|𝑇)=(𝑅|𝑆)|𝑇
  • 𝑅(𝑆|𝑇)=𝑅𝑆|𝑅𝑇, (𝑆|𝑇)𝑅 = 𝑆𝑅|𝑇𝑅
  • 𝑅(𝑆𝑇)=(𝑅𝑆)𝑇
  • 𝜀𝑅=𝑅𝜀=𝑅
  • Precedence: ( ), ∗, ∙ , |
  • ?是結束

Finite Automata(Finite state machine)

  • Depict FA as a directed graph
  • each vertex corresponds to a state
  • there is an edge from the vertex corresponding to state to vertex corresponding to state iff the FA has a transition from state to on input 𝜎.
  • i.e.,
  • The language defined by an F. A. (Finite Automata) is the set of input string it accepts.
  • regular expression –> non-deterministic F. A. –> deterministic F. A. –> regular expression

Deterministic finite automata(DFA)

  • It has no transition on input 𝜀
  • For each state s and input symbol a, there is at most one edge labeled a leaving 𝒔.
  • 𝑀=(𝑄, Σ, 𝛿, 𝑞_0, 𝐹), where
    • 𝑄 = a finite set of states
    • Σ = a set of finite characters
    • 𝛿= transition function 𝛿:𝑄×Σ→𝑄
    • 𝑞_0 = starting state
    • 𝐹 = a set of accepting states (a subset of 𝑄 i.e. 𝐹⊆𝑄)


  • (a|b)*abb

Non-deterministic Finite Automata

  • 𝑀′=(𝑄′, Σ, 𝛿′, 𝑞_0, 𝐹), where

    • 𝑄′ = a finite set of states
    • Σ = a set of finite characters
    • 𝛿′= transition function 𝛿′:𝑄′×(Σ∪𝜀)→ where means it can map to multiple states
    • 𝑞_0 = starting state
    • 𝐹 = a set of accepting states (a subset of 𝑄′ i.e. 𝐹⊆𝑄′)
  • Given a string 𝑥 belonging to if there exists a path in a NFA 𝑀’ s.t. 𝑀’ is in a final state after reading 𝑥, then 𝑥 is accepted by 𝑀’. i.e., if 𝛿′(, 𝑥)=𝛼⊆𝑄′ and 𝛼∩𝐹≠∅ then 𝑥 belongs to 𝐿(𝑀’).


  • (a|b)*abb


The followings are equivalent:

  • regular expression
  • NFA
  • DFA
  • regular language
  • regular grammar

Algorithm: constructing an NFA from a regular expr.

  1. For 𝜀 we construct the NFA ==>
  2. For 𝑎 in Σ we construct the NFA ==>
  3. Proceed to combine them in ways that correspond to the way compound regular expressions are formed, i.e., transition diagram for 𝛼, 𝛽.
    • 𝛼|𝛽
    • 𝛼𝛽

Construct the r.e. based on the above algorithm.

How to construct a DFA based on an equivalent NFA?

  • Each state of the DFA is a set of states which the NFA could be in after reading some sequence of input symbols.
  • The initial state of the DFA is the set consisting of 0, the initial state of NFA, together with all states of NFA that can be reached from 0 by means of 𝜀-transition.


Def. The set of states that can be reached from 𝑠 on 𝜀-transition alone.


  1. 𝑠 is added to 𝜀-closure(𝑠).
  2. if 𝑡 is in 𝜀-closure(𝑠), and there is an edge labeled 𝜀 from 𝑡 to 𝑢 then 𝑢 is added to 𝜀-closure(𝑠) if 𝑢 is not already there.

𝜀-closure(𝑇) : The union over all states 𝑠 in 𝑇 of 𝜀-closure(𝑠). (Note: 𝑇 is a set of states)

move(𝑇, 𝑎): a set of NFA states to which there is a transition on input symbol 𝑎 from some state 𝑠 in 𝑇.


  1. Computation of 𝜀-closure
  2. The subset construction
    • Given a NFA 𝑀=(𝑄, Σ, 𝛿, 𝑞_0, 𝐹), construct a corresponding DFA 𝑀′=(𝑄′, Σ, 𝛿′, 𝑞_0, 𝐹′)
    • (1) Compute the 𝜀-closure(𝑠), 𝑠 is the start state of 𝑀. Let it be 𝑆. 𝑆 is the start state of 𝑀’ and 𝑄^′={𝑆}
    • (2) …..
    • (3) 𝐹^′={𝑞′∈𝑄^′ |𝑞′∩𝐹≠∅}


minimizing the number of states of DFA

  • Principle: only the states in a subset of NFA that have a non-𝜀-transition determine the DFA state to which it goes on input symbol.
  • Two subsets can be identified as one state of the DFA, provided:
    1. they have the same non-𝜀-transition-only states
    2. they either both include or both exclude accepting states of the NFA


  • Two states are distinguished if there exists a string which leads to final states and non-final states when it is fed to the two states.
  • Find all groups of states that can be distinguished by some input string.
    1. Construct a partition and repeat the algorithm of getting a new partition.
    2. Pick a representative for each group.
    3. Delete a dead state and states unreachable from the initial state. Make the transition to the dead states undefined.


  • (a|b)*abb

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